

Due to reasons out of one's control, the above conference has been postponed to later in the year. At present we are looking at an Autumn date for the re-scheduled mortality get-to-gether. Profuse apologies from all the conference moderators. To all participants, tickets will be valid for the new date, there will be no need to rebook. Further details will follow in due course. In the meantime, if you have qny queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.


As part of the Symbols of Mortality Exhibition events schedule, this online conference aims to bring about an interdisiplinary approach to the study of mortality symbolism, showcasing the work of some of the finest speakers in the death studies field. Some of the subject matters up for discussion include graveyard symbolism, HMS Royal Oak, Victorian mourning, funeral invitations, the work of the Imperial War Graves Commission, Egyptomania, Bills of Mortality and much, much more. The full conference programme is now available via the link below:





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